I think this sign is a great representation of the last year. If someone would have come to me a year and a half ago and told me all that was going to take place in 2020 and 2021 I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have believed them. At times it has been completely bonkers – upside down – tumultuous – like I’m living my life out of a washing machine.
The crazy part is that The Church in its long history – especially with the adaptation of seasons like Lent – really sought to get people to feel the way this sign feels. As you gave things up for Lent, as you sought to live out the reality of the crucifixion, as you attempted to align your life with that of this Jesus – in some ways you felt exactly as this sign indicates.
Jesus invites us to live out the upside-down life. Jesus invites us to walk a different walk than the people of this world are walking. Jesus invites us to take the road less traveled. Jesus invites us to walk the narrow path through the narrow gate. He invites us to live out the adventurous life of one who follows after the Shepherd who knows his name.
And as we follow – as we love people unconditionally – and as we forgive people who don’t deserve to be forgiven – and as we go through the painful times of our lives – and as we continue to live out a life of a long obedience of faith in the same direction, even in the upside down times, Jesus accompanies us. Jesus accompanies you. Jesus accompanies me. So even when it feels like I’m the guy on the sign, I can take solace in knowing that Jesus is right there with- me.
–Pastor Keenan Barber, 805-529-8422 x101