Matthew 25:35-40 says “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
The MPC family has had a long history of generosity and service. Members of our church regularly support a variety of mission projects as individuals. It is the Mission Team’s responsibility to curate the plethora of needs presented by our members, community and global organizations to make the extremely difficult decision on which projects to draw to the congregation’s attention. Our focus is currently on opportunities that will allow us to develop deep and impactful relationships with those in need, without overwhelming our church members.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Gayle Hughes
Described in the following are some of the mission team projects :
During 2023, blood drives were held in the MPC parking lot about every three months, in the Vitalant Blood Donation trailer. MPC members have stepped up to give blood, especially as there is a critical need in our community, including in our church.
Blood drives make blood available for our local hospitals and patients. It is critical to have a strong supply of blood to save lives. In 2023, MPC collected 60 donations that helped 180 patients! That is an increase from the previous year. Each donation can help save up to 3 lives. Thank you MPC blood donors!
We welcome mothers from all walks of life who share one desire: to be better moms! MOMCo meetings offer the opportunity to connect with other moms, to have honest conversations with those who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood and to gain new insights on topics such as parenting, marriage, finances, health, self-growth from guest speakers. The MOMCo year starts in September and ends in May.
For more information, email
As moms enter into the school years, new challenges and issues arise. Our MOMS Now group is an open, accepting place for all moms of school-age kids to come experience authentic community, personal growth, practical help and spiritual hope. MOMS Now will encourage, equip and develop moms in this next phase of mothering.
For more information, email
Historically, our church has continued to develop a deeper relationship with the community organization, Moorpark Pantry Plus. Working together, we have been able to make a greater impact for those in need in our community, than by doing it all ourselves.
Some of the projects that are generated by MPP are the collection and distribution of backpacks and school supplies, food drives to provide both Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets to families in need, providing Angel Tree gifts at Christmas, supporting a Mothers’ Day Coffee and Cake and Jewelry exchange, as well as many other projects to be determined. It has been exciting to see
members of our church not only donating to support these projects, but also regularly living out the gospel in our community, using their faith and energy, thinking beyond themselves to help others. Some of the projects that are generated by MPP are the collection and distribution of backpacks and school supplies, food drives to provide both Thanksgiving and Christmas
MPC members volunteered to organize the school supply tables before the students’ arrival an move supply tables from inside to the outside corridor, where students were escorted to grade level areas by
volunteers to select their supplies. This was truly a great time to get to know MPC and other community
members better.
In December, members or our congregation participated in an Angel Tree Project. Our congregation provided Christmas gifts including toys (or other fun items) and clothing for the children of 28 families, over 140 gifts! At the conclusion of the drive, all of the wrapped gifts were accounted for, were organized and taken to MPP for distribution to families. Wow! There were excited children on Christmas morning in those families, thanks to MPC members’ generosity.
All presents arrived on time to give to MPP for Christmas delivery
to children.
MPC has an opportunity annually to pack shoebox gifts to bless children in need around the world. Once the boxes are returned to the church, they begin a journey to more that 100 countries. In those countries, Christian leaders share the gospel and bless the children, giving them their gift boxes. Some families chose to fill their boxes by shopping online at the Operation Christmas Child website. In 2023 – 101 boxes were collected. Here’s a car being loaded with Operation Christmas Child boxes to be transported to the drop off location. How many more boxes do you think will fit in their car?
Beginning Mothers’ Day and running through Father’s Day, many of our congregation members take home empty baby bottles to fill throughout the month with coins, cash and checks to support Sarah’s House Maternity homes.
This is one of their most important sources of funding. Sarah’s House is “committed to ending the cycle of homelessness and abuse in women and children through comprehensive case management, counseling, educational classes and resources through pregnancy and beyond.” In 2023, MPC members donated $429.78 to support their program assisting many women in need.
Here is the testimonial of one of their clients:
“Sarah’s House has given me much needed structure. I have a full time job that I absolutely love, considerably less debt, a strong foundation to continue to succeed at my goals, and most importantly, a sense of family that will always be close to my heart. I could never express how thankful I am to be a part of this program and finally have the opportunity to enjoy this pregnancy and the
road ahead.”
As a follow up to the 2022 Vacation Bible School, when MPC VBS Children provided shoes for 240 Mubaku School children. VBS 2023 had a daily mission station for kids to learn about the culture and needs at Mubaku School. They wrote letters and drew pictures to be sent to Mubaku students.
2023 VBS offering was designated to purchase books for Bright Future Primary and Nursery School, as they had under ten literature books for children to read. The enthusiasm of the children, quickly spread to their parents and other members of our congregation.
One group of children from VBS set up a lemonade/baked
treat stand to earn money to donate for books. Their endeavor earned enough money to purchase 54 books for Mubaku!
At the conclusion of VBS, the children had brought in enough offering money to buy over 600 books for Bright Future
Nursery and Primary School!
The children from Mubaku village took reading their new books very seriously. This was the first time many of them had seen books with colored
illustrations. The children’s enthusiasm for supporting students in Mubaku carried over to the many adults of our congregation in 2023. 35 Mubaku students are now supported at the school by members of MPC.
Every book purchased for Mubaku contained a label indicating that it was given by MPC VBS 2023.
MPC participation in missions demonstrate living out the gospel in actions and words, using their energy and gifts to selflessly support others. MPC’s mission efforts show that kindness is contagious and goodness is spreading throughout our church. Praise God and thank you, MPC members!