Our Deacons serve God by serving the needs of the congregation. From organizing meals for those who are welcoming a new baby or dealing with an illness to meeting emergency needs of individuals and families to covering our church with prayer, the deacons are the hands and feet of Jesus. Contact our Deacon Moderator Nancy Sampson at NancyS@MPCLife.org.
We offer pastoral counseling from our staff as well as referrals to assist you as you journey through the emotional and spiritual challenges of life. Whatever you’re facing – depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues – there is help, hope and a way forward. Please call the office at 805-529-8422 or email here.
MPC is committed to supporting families of military men and women as they serve our country. Through meetings, sharing, prayer and action, we come alongside the families of active military and veterans, supporting them on their journey. Contact Gary Belie at GaryB@MPCLife.org.