I am looking forward to our congregation being together for our annual meeting on Sunday, February 14th. By now, you have probably received and read our annual report and have a little bit of a glimpse of what the year 2020 looked like here at Moorpark Presbyterian Church. As you read that document, you may have come across information that might raise questions for you. I would like to encourage you that if there are things happening in the life of the church that you have questions about that you might reach out to one of our elders or to me to ask those questions before our congregational meeting. Hosting the meeting in a virtual space makes discussions somewhat challenging. To be able to have some of those conversations figured out before the congregation meeting would help things move more smoothly. As a member of the church, you have the right to speak at a meeting and I am in no way trying to discourage anyone from asking questions during our time together. I just want to give you an opportunity to potentially have some of those questions already answered before you come to the meeting. Thanks for all you do to support our great church and I look forward again to being with you I’m talking about where Moorpark Presbyterian Church is to go next.
Keenan Barber, Senior Pastor
Reminder of some of the meeting details:
The Annual Congregational Meeting is Sunday, February 14 after worship service (approximately 10:00am). This is a time to hear about the various areas of ministry, praise God for his faithfulness in 2020, and look forward to what is in store for MPC in 2021.
All are welcome to join; only members are able to vote on nominations and receive the budget.
The meeting will be immediately following worship via Zoom. After the meeting, the weekly Virtual Prayer Time will begin. The Zoom ID/password is the same for the meeting and prayer time (see the weekly bulletin for the link or click HERE to email the office).
Click HERE to view the Annual Report.