Where did you grow up? Grew up mostly in Michigan (grades 2 through middle of 10th grade)
What’s your role and what do you look forward to with being an elder/deacon? My role is making sure that my flock members needs and desires are taken care of. Talking with them and praying for them while I let them know that they are cared for by me and mostly by by our great God. I am also honored to serve communion as Jesus had also done.
How long have you been at MPC, and what’s your favorite experience at MPC? First attended in January 1990 and became a member 6 months later. I love the sermons the most and all we do at MPC!
Profession? Family? I was a math and special ed teacher in Missouri. In California, due to no teaching jobs in 1978, I worked at Northrop as a Sr. Reliability Analyst using my math and computer skills. Quit work in 1992 to raise my amazing kids.
Hobbies? Snorkeling in tropical waters seeing beautiful fish and sea turtles!