Thank you for considering taking one of the Angel tags from our Angel Tree! Each Angel represents a child in Moorpark who has been identified as needing a little extra help during the holidays. We work closely with the Director of the Moorpark Pantry Plus, who is excellent at identifying families needing support throughout the year and especially during the holidays.
There are two Angel tags for each child. One tag lists the child’s sizes for clothing and shoes. The other tag includes a list of “fun” gifts (toys, hobbies, or other special interests) that the child and parent have identified. The lists are suggestions only, but imagine their joy when they unwrap a gift that was on their wish list!
If you prefer to adopt a whole family rather than individual children, we are happy to work with you on that. We have families that have 1-4 children and we have info tags for all of them. Please contact Maureen Hooper Birkelo at 805 443-3422 or via email at maureenhooper@hotmail.com.
Before leaving with your Angel tags, please sign in on the binder or clipboard, next to the code at the top of your Angel tag, beside either the “clothing” or “fun” line, determined by what is written on your Angel tag.
Once you have purchased your gift(s), we ask that you:
- Wrap the gift(s).
- Tape the original Angel tag(s) to the gift(s) and write the code that is at the top of the Angel directly
onto the package, just in case the Angel falls off. Example: 005-3 - If you have more than one gift, please write the code on those packages as well.
- Please bring all wrapped packages to the church on or before December 10th and place them around the Christmas Tree.
- HELP WANTED! We would love some volunteers to help sort the gifts on December 10th after the
morning service. It’s a great way to get to know others, it’s fun, and your help will be greatly
appreciated! - To become an Angel helper on December 10th or if you have any questions, please contact Maureen.
Thank you again for supporting this program and helping our MPC community and our local community. We wish you and your family a joyous season of Christmas.
Gayle Hughes, Missions Ministry Team
Bless you for your generosity.