It’s 2024 Adopt-an-Angel time! Angel tags will be available starting Sunday, November 24. We have committed to supporting 25 families (125 children) this year. Each angel represents an underserved child in our community, who has been qualified and selected by the Moorpark Pantry Plus.
Each child will receive three gifts: 2 items of clothing, pajamas and socks, and a “fun” gift. Please choose one (or more) angel, purchase the suggested gift(s) and return the gift(s) WRAPPED AS DIRECTED, WITH THE ANGEL TAG ATTACHED, on or before Sunday, December 8th . Each angel is coded with a family & child ID# so we can get the gift(s) to the respective families.
MPC will deliver the gifts to Moorpark Pantry Plus, who will give them to the families, to be given to their children for Christmas. The angel tags have the child’s gender, age & size (for clothing),
and their requested “fun” gift. PLEASE “sign out” the angels you take for adoption so we can track them; we will have people at the tree with sign-out sheets before and after church services. If you are on campus during non-service hours, please be sure to follow the directions in the binder to check out an angel tag.
Bless you for your generosity