We are excited about the start of Sunday School on September 12 at 9:00am for children age 3 (preschool) through 5th grade. Loving and safe Nursery Care is available for our youngest disciples from infancy through age 3 in Room 2.
We will be using Simply Loved to explore a foundational, Jesus-centered journey through God’s story of Love. Your children will enjoy bible stories, songs, games, crafts, and friendships…all centered around special themes each month (see below for our Unit 1 buddy, Savanna).
We are ready to set up classrooms but need to know who is planning to come. Click HERE to complete a Sunday School Registration form (fillable online) for each child and please return it to Kami Fair by August 29. We welcome and encourage children to bring friends, too!
For questions, please contact Kami Fair at (805) 529-8422, x103.