The auction is live now, and here are just a few of the exciting things we have up for auction:
- Tickets to tour “The Biggest Little Farm”
- Tour tickets for the Reagan Library (plus jelly beans, a book and more!)
- A week stay in a luxury villa, Casa Piazza, for up to 10 people in Manzanillo, Mexico
- A hike with Pastor Keenan
- Coastal Canyon League Athletic Passes
- High Street Arts Center Season Tickets
- A very rare piece of movie memorabilia from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askiban
- And lots, lots more!!!
I hope that you will take time to look through the auction and support our youth and children by bidding on some items. If you’re willing, please consider helping us spread the word on social media by sharing about the auction on your Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. This will help us raise funds and awareness for the auction!
You can visit the auction HERE.
These are just a few of over 40 auction items that will be available. There is something for everyone!
Sign Up for the Dinner/Auction or just for the Dinner below!