There has never been a time like this before – at least not for a few generations. A worldwide pandemic has interrupted our regularly scheduled lives and brought many into spaces that are much more isolated and lonely.
Each year, during the Lenten season, our church is intentional to set aside time to draw people into deeper reflection about Jesus, his work on the Cross and what ramifications his life and death have on our lives. And what better way to dive deeper into the Scriptures than to engage with others in the church in the arena of a small groups.
If you are already in a group, I pray you will set aside your regularly planned out study, and join in the church study. If you are not in a group, our hope is that you will join an existing group or start a group yourself. And if you are in a group, you might consider leaving that group for the weeks of Lent to facilitate a new group – offering more opportunities for people to engage the word of God together.
To join or facilitate a small group, Click HERE and complete a quick form to let us know.
Please contact Kami Fair for any questions.
Our Lenten sermon series will be focused on the last words of Jesus from the Cross.